The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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Text File
494 lines
Version 2.1
Shareware by Charles F. Johnson
Copyright © 1989,90,92 Little Green Footballs Software
All Rights Reserved.
Release Date: Sunday, January 26, 1992
PinHead is a *very* tiny program (it uses less than 1K when
installed!) that should be run from your AUTO folder. PinHead will
drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to boot your computer,
especially if you have several AUTO programs and desk accessories
installed. Every program that runs after PinHead will load into the
computer faster than you ever thought possible! And this speedup is not
only evident at bootup time; programs will load much faster even when
they are run from the GEM desktop or a shell such as CodeHead Software's
HotWire. PinHead gives you a lot of bang for your memory buck!
PinHead 2.1 works with all ROM versions of TOS. There is no speed
improvement in version 2.1 over earlier versions; the only new feature
is compatibility with all versions of TOS.
Even though versions of TOS equal to or later than 1.4 contain a
built-in "fastload" feature, I decided to make PinHead support these TOS
versions as well, because in some cases PinHead's fastload is more
compatible with improperly written ST applications. (Two very popular
programs that don't work correctly with the TOS fastload, but do work
with PinHead, are ARC.TTP [the original version] and the GFA Basic 2.x
Interpreter. Desk accessories may also work better with PinHead,
because of its default memory clear feature.)
If You've Already Read This Document
...then skip ahead to the section at the end titled "New Stuff."
Here you will find the revision history of PinHead, with any new
features (hopefully) clearly described.
If you haven't read this document before, please take a few minutes
to read it through. Your enjoyment of PinHead will be much increased if
you do; there's information here that will help you through the most
common trouble spots, to the fastest ST bootup you've ever seen. Yow!
Yet Another Shareware Plea
The first three versions of PinHead (1.0, 1.1/1.1a, and 1.2) were
released as freeware. However the response to PinHead on the major
networks has been so enormous that I've found myself spending more and
more time answering questions, looking for solutions, working on the
code and the documentation, etc.
Therefore, starting with PinHead 1.3, PinHead and the accompanying
documentation are now being distributed as shareware...which means that
if you use and enjoy the program, you're expected to pay a small
registration fee. (After you've used it a few times I suspect you may
find it difficult to do without!) I'm asking only $15 for PinHead.
Please pay the registration fee if you end up using PinHead regularly;
if there's no shareware response to PinHead, I'll be unable to keep
enhancing and supporting the program.
If you decide to continue using PinHead, please send a check or
money order for $15.00 to:
Charles F. Johnson
P.O. Box 1250
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
and indicate on your check that this is a registration payment for
PinHead. This will enable me to enter your name properly in my
shareware data base.
If you have a specific question to ask about PinHead, the best way
is to contact me through one of the following online services:
CIS: 76004,2232
Delphi: CFJ
For best results, PinHead should be as close to the beginning of
your AUTO folder programs as possible. If you already have an AUTO
folder with several programs in it, you can use CodeHead Software's
"AUTO Organizer" (one of the programs on our 'CodeHead Utilities' disk)
to make sure PinHead runs before most of the other AUTO programs. If
you don't yet own a copy of CodeHead Utilities, you should make a backup
copy of your AUTO folder, delete the original folder on your bootup
disk, create a new folder named AUTO, and copy all the programs back, in
the order in which you want them to run.
If you have a hard disk driver in your AUTO folder, it should run
before PinHead. If you use the public domain program FATSPEED (which
speeds up the directory search routines in GEMDOS, and is not needed in
TOS versions after 1.0), this too should run before PinHead in the AUTO
folder. Why? Well, FATSPEED insists on being the very first thing in
the trap #1 vector; and PinHead also needs to intercept this vector.
But every other program designed for AUTO folder usage can run
after PinHead...which is just the way you want it. When you boot up
with PinHead active, your AUTO folder programs and accessories will just
FLY across the screen, especially if you have a hard disk.
When PinHead first runs, it tries to read a file called PINHEAD.DAT
in the root directory of the boot drive. See below in the section
titled "Configuring PinHead" for details on how to "custom tailor"
PinHead for each program you run, to get the most compatible system
Disabling PinHead for One Program
It should be a very rare occurrence to find a program that needs to
have PinHead disabled in order to run. However, if a certain program
does act strangely or crashes with PinHead active, you can turn off the
"fastload" feature before running that program, with a special "hot key"
sequence. To disable PinHead, hold down the Alternate, Left Shift, and
Control keys while you type '0' (zero) on the numeric keypad, before
running the program. This will disable PinHead, but only for the very
next program you run. After quitting that program, PinHead will be
active again.
Turning PinHead On and Off
PinHead also lets you turn it "on" and "off." This is different
from the disabling method explained above; when you turn PinHead off, it
will be disabled until you turn it back on, not just for the very next
program that runs. To turn PinHead off, hold down the Alternate, Left
Shift, and Control keys and type '-' (minus) on the numeric keypad. To
turn PinHead on, hold Alternate, SHift, and Control, and type '+' (plus)
on the keypad.
This feature is in PinHead in case you find yourself running
several programs in a row that don't work properly when PinHead is
active. In that case, it will be easier to just turn PinHead off for
the duration, and re-enable it when you're through with the <ahem>
"problem" programs. See "Configuring PinHead" below for a way to
automatically tell PinHead when to disable itself.
Configuring PinHead (the PINHEAD.DAT file)
Since it's hard sometimes to remember when you're supposed to
disable PinHead to run a certain program, and a system crash seems like
a rather harsh penalty to pay for a moment of forgetfulness, PinHead has
a configuration option which lets you tell it to automatically disable
itself when certain programs are run. You can also tell PinHead to
clear a little bit of extra memory for certain programs; this enables
"problem" programs to be fastloaded.
As mentioned above, you can create a special "configuration file"
which will be read when PinHead is first run. This file should be
called PINHEAD.DAT, and kept in the root directory of your boot disk.
PINHEAD.DAT is a standard ASCII text file which can be created and
edited with just about any ST word processor or text editor (as long as
your editor has an option to 'Save as ASCII'). This file contains
information about programs that need "special treatment" in order to
live harmoniously in the same system with PinHead.
The PINHEAD.DAT file must follow some simple rules of organization
to be properly used by PinHead. All li